Position Title
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Research Interests
Dr. Hinton is nationally recognized for his expertise on the cultural aspects of geriatric mental health, particularly Alzheimer’s Disease and late life depression. His principal interests are culture and psychopathology in older adults, gender influences, ethnicity, access and quality of care, and qualitative methods. His ethnogeriatric research has included work with Asian American (Chinese and Vietnamese), African American, Latino and Euro-American populations. His work has focused on delivery of mental health care to older adults in primary care settings and has engaged the perspectives of both patients and providers. He was a co-principal investigator for the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging and published research examining the frequency, impact and sociocultural context of dementia-related behavioral symptoms in Mexican American families. His current research includes a mixed method qualitative study examining barriers and facilitators of depression care for ethnically diverse older men in primary care settings and community based research to develop innovative culturally tailored interventions for Asian American and Latino family caregivers. He is also examining how the DSM cultural formulation can be adapted to improve cross-cultural psychiatric diagnosis in older adults. Dr. Hinton gives many local community presentations on Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving, and geriatric depression for lay and professional audiences.
Selected Publications
Apesoa-Varano EC, Barker JC, Hinton L. Mexican-American Families and Dementia : An Exploration of "Work" in Response to Dementia-Related Aggressive Behavior. In Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-Origin Population, Angel J, (Eds) Springer (in press).
Zeki Al Hazzouri A, Haan MN, Osypuk T, Abdou C, Hinton L, Aiello AE Neighborhood socioeconomic context and cognitive decline among older Mexican Americans: results from the Sacramento Area Latino Study on Aging. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Aug 15;174(4):423-31.
Apesoa-Varano E, Barker JC, Hinton L. Curing and Caring: The Work of Primary Care Physicians with Dementia Patients. Qualitative Health Research. Qual Health Res. 2011 Nov;21(11): 1469-81.
Breslau J, Borges G, Tancredi DJ, Saito N, Kravitz R, Hinton L, Vega W, Medina-Mora M, Aguilar-Gaxiola S Migration from Mexico to the US and Conduct Disorder: A Cross-National Study. Archives of General Psychiatry, Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Dec;68(12):1284-93.