Rebecca Shields - Fall 2024
Dissertation: Executive Signatures and Psychophysiological Indicator of Executive Function in Down Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome

Angelica Carranza – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Examination of Adversity, Neural Mediators, and Cultural Factors in the Development of Depression in Mexican-American Youth Followed from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Position: Post-doctoral Scholar, University of North Carolina

Helen Fann – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Language as a Longitudinal Predictor and Parents? Attitudes Towards Multi-Language Learning
Position: Lecturer, Central Washington University

Ryan Hodge – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Prosociality through a Multidimensional Perspective: Insights from Psychophysiology and Emotion Regulation
Position: Post-doctoral Scholar, University of Southern California

Sarah McMillan – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Substance Use from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Contributions from Social Experiences and Neural Response to Rewards and Social Situations
Position: Analyst/Statistician II, Advocates for Human Potential

Lindsey Partington – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Parenting in the Pandemic: Prosocial Responses, Parental Burnout, and Parenting Goal Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Position: Post-doctoral Scholar, University of California, Davis

Joseph Venticinque – Spring 2024
Dissertation: Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Implicit Social Influence in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Considering the Role of Peers and Mothers
Position: Post-doctoral Scholar, Georgetown University

Rebecca Handman - Spring 2023
Dissertation: Unpacking the Persuasive Power of an Evidence-Based Engagement Video for Parenting Programs
Position: Senior Research Analyst and Communications Specialist, Applied Survey Research

Elisa Ugarte Pfingsthorn - Spring 2023
Dissertation: Variation in Experiences of Unpredictability and Mental Health: A Developmental Perspective
Position: International Consultant, NYU Global Ties for Children

Kristina Sayler Armstrong - Spring 2023
Dissertation: Differential Susceptibility to Parenting, Peers and Early-Life Threat and Deprivation: Domain Specificity or Domain Generality
Position: Health Equity Scientist, CA Dept. of Health Care Services

Andrea Buhler-Wassmann - Spring 2022
Interests: Biological, Social-Emotional, Heath & Mental Health, Family, Cognition
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Exploring Beliefs and Parenting Behaviors in Context: Mexican American Mothers' Cultural Values and Responses to their Toddlers' Emotions
Position: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Human Development and Family Studies

Jennifer Bullen - Spring 2022
Interests: Early Education, Mathematics and Achievement
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: Understanding the Role of Sensory Processing in Academic Achievement
Position: Post-doctoral Researcher, Oxford University

Maria Usacheva - Spring 2022
Interests: Socio-emotional, Cognitive, Family, Government and Social Policy, Mental Health, Prevention / Intervention
Life Phases: early childhood, middle childhood, emerging adulthood
Dissertation: Empirical Inquiry into the Multidimensional Adversity: Implications for Families Affected by Housing Instability
Position: Senior Research Analyst, Applied Survey Research

Xiaoya Zhang - Spring 2022
Interests: gene-X-environment interaction, developmental plasticity, differential susceptibility, evolutionary perspective, and quantitative methods
Life Phases: infancy/early childhood, middle childhood, adulthood
Dissertation: Differential susceptibility: Domain general or domain specific
Position: Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Dept of Family, Youth and Community Sciences

Sarah Nelson Potter – Fall 2021
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Family
Life Phases:Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: An Examination of Family Dynamics, Parental Responsivity, and Child Communication in Fragile X Syndrome
Position: Research Public Health Analyst, Biostatistics and Epidemiology Division, RTI International

Meital Mashash – Summer 2021
Interests: Stress Physiology, Gene-Environment Interactions, Developmental Psychobiology, Health Psychology
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation:  The Co-Development of Adiposity, Inflammation and Depressive Symptoms Across Adolescence: A Focus on Sex Differences, Developmental Trajectories and Bidirectional Associations
Position:  Post-doctoral Scholar, UC San Francisco

Elizabeth Morgan  – Spring 2021
Interests: Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Early Autism Intervention
Life Phases: Early Childhood
Dissertation: The Developmental Process of Parent Advocacy for Black Mothers of Children on the Autism Spectrum
Position: Interim Director, Doctorate in Educational Leadership Program, College of Education, California State University Sacramento

Diego Catalan Molina – Spring 2021
Interests: Social-Emotional, Prevention Research, Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Government/Social Policy
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging adulthood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: Whether Students Benefit from a Social and Emotional Learning Intervention Depends on their Motivation Profile
Position: Research Director, Hello Insight

Amanda (Lawrence) Mangurten – Winter 2021
Interests: Social-Emotional, Family, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Investigating Relations between Young Children’s Use of Mobile Media and their Self-Regulation
Position: School Health Researcher, California Dept. of Public Health

Lauren Bullard – Spring 2020
Interests: Socio-emotional, Cognitive, Family
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Utilizing Distance Technology to Assess Phenotypic Characteristics of Fragile X Syndrome and Their Impact on the Relationship between Maternal Verbal Responsivity and Child Language
Position: Clinical Project Manager, Woebot Health

Elliott Johnson – Spring 2020
Interests: Biological, Cognition, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Putting Together the Little Bits and Pieces: Associative Memory, Word Learning, and the Brain in the Toddler Years
Position: Senior Career Advisor and Career Discovery Coordinator, UC Davis Career Center

Tessa Hesse – Fall 2019
Interests: Biological, Neuroscience
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence
Dissertation: Identification of Sensory-Based Subgroups in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Position: Consultant and Founder, Forward Thinking Kids

Rajpreet Chahal – Spring 2019
Interests: Biological, Health & Mental Health, Social-Emotional, Cognition, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Girls’ Brains Structural Connectivity in Late Adolescence Relates to History of Depression Symptoms  
Position: Mental Health &Well-being Computational Scientist, Apple 

Jakeem Lewis – Spring 2019
Interests: Biological, Health & Mental Health, Social-Emotional, Family, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: Ethnic Identity During the College Transition: Implications for Academic and Social Outcomes
Position: Research Scientist Supervisor, Vendor Analysis, Research, and Evaluation Section, CA Dept. of Public Health - Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program.

Luis Armando Parra – Spring 2019
Interests: Biological, Health & Mental Health, Social-Emotional, Family, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: The Impacts of Heterosexism and Racism on the Psychosocial Adjustment and Adrenocortical Functioning of Sexually and Ethnically Diverse Emerging Adults
Position: Assistant Professor, Dept of Systems, Populations and Leadership, Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities, University of Michigan, School of Nursing
Link to publications on Google Scholar

Natalie Sadler DeGuzman - Winter 2019
Interests: Social-Emotional, Family, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Health & Mental Health, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Cross-Panethnic Romantic Relationships and Multiethnicity During Emerging Adulthood
Position: Epidemiologist, Surveillance, Epidemiology, Assessment, and Evaluation Section, CA Dept. of Public Health – STD Control Branch

Jonah Cox - Fall 2018
Interests: Family, Health & Mental Health, Government/Social Policy, Prevention Research
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Resilience: On the Children that Fall Up
Position: Research Scientist III, California Dept. of Public Health

Sarah Hartman - Fall 2018
Interests: Family, Social-Emotional, Biological, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Differential Susceptibility: The Role of Temperament and Prenatal Stress
Position: Systems Improvement Officer, First 5 Yolo

James McCauley - Fall 2018
Interests: Cognition, School outcomes, Poverty/Development
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Examining Family Processes in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder During the Transitions to Adolescence and Adulthood
Position: Assistant Professor, St. Mary's College 

Julia Ribeiro - Fall 2018
Interests: Social-Emotional, Cognitive, Family, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: M factor: Is There a Global Mindset?
Position: Lecturer, California State University, Sacramento

Amy Wagner - Summer 2018
Interests: Social-Emotional, Special Needs, Early Identification and Intervention
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: The Behavioral Phenotype of Young Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Position: Executive Director of Teaching and Research, Child Development Lab, University of Wisconsin

Angela Merritt Blums - Spring 2017
Interests: Cognition, School outcomes, Poverty/Development
Life Phases: Childhood, adulthood and aging
Dissertation: Children’s Learning in Scientific Thinking: Instructional Approaches and Roles of Variable Identification and Executive Function
Position: Associate Professor, Pierce College

Shruti Dave - Spring 2017
Interests: Aging, Cognition, Memory and Language
Life Phases: Adulthood, Aging
Dissertation: Influences of Normative Aging, Cognitive Resources, Language Experience and Neural Noise on Electrophysiological Indices of Lexical Prediction and Contextual Support
Position: Research Scientist, Clinical Outcomes Solutions

Kristina Gelardi - Spring 2017
Interests: Neurobiology, Social/emotional development
Life Phases: Childhood, Adolescence
Dissertation: Effects of Childhood Socioeconomic Disadvantage on Neurobiological Connectivity to Social Stimuli in Adolescence
Position: Director of Research, Public Health Advocates

Michelle Harris - Spring 2017
Interests: Self-Esteem Development
Life Phases: Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood
Dissertation: Global Self-Esteem Measurement and Sources across the Lifespan
Position: Evaluation Analyst, Austin Independent School District, Austin, TX

Zhi Li - Spring 2017
Interests: Attachment, Children and Adolescent Development
Life Phases: Childhood, Adolescence
Dissertation: Income Unpredictability and Child and Adolescent Development
Position: Assistant Professor, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, China

Carolyn Sutter - Spring 2017
Interests: Parenting, Peer Relationships, Eating Behaviors
Life Phases: Childhood, Adolescence
Dissertation: Parents to Peers: Social Influences on Youths’ Food Availability during School Lunchtime
Position: Research Program Manager, Smith Child Health Outcomes, Lurie Children's Hospital Link   

Megan Waechter-McMillan - Winter 2017
Interests: Social/Emotional, Family, School, Government/Social Policy
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood
Dissertation: Examining the Longitudinal Impacts of Extracurricular Activity Participation on Educational Attainment
Position: Lecturer, California State University, Sacramento

Alice Wuermli - Fall 2016
Interests: Stress physiology, Neurodevelopmental plasticity
Life Phases: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence
Dissertation: The Home Environment and Early Child Development and Learning in Bhutan Measurement and Associations
Position: Executive Director, ECDEC,  NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development

Evelyn Mercado - Fall 2016
Interests: Social/Emotional Development, Families, Marital Relationships
Life Phases: Childhood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Examining Physiological Processes in Marital Relationships and their Behavioral, Socioemotional and Genetic Correlates
Position: Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts,

Saba Torabian - Spring 2016
Interests: Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Cognitive
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Assessing Language Disfluency in School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Virtual, Public Speaking Task 
Position: Founder and CEO, Intervention Center for Autism Needs (ICAN); Lecturer, San Jose State University

Clinton Lee - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Social-Emotional, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Striatal response during reward anticipation: Considering the role of substance use and ethnic discrimination in Mexican-origin adolescents
Position: Research Program Specialist, California Department of Healthcare Service

Gina Jaeger - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Gesture's Hand in Children's Cognition
Position: Lecturer, UC Davis Human Ecology

Christina Hollifield Rogers - Spring 2016
Interests: Social-Emotional, Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Biological, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Investigating Change and Associations Between Sibling Relationships and Academic Processes Across Adolescence
Position: Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences, Texas Tech University

Erik Henricson - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Prevention Research, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Infancy, Early and Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Aging
Dissertation: Use of a BioEcological Systems Theory Framework to Characterize Clinically-Meaningful Person-Reported Outcome Measures of Strength, Function and Quality of Life for Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Position: Associate Professor, UC Davis Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Elisabeth (Lisa) D'Angelo - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Language, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood, Aging
Dissertation: Intensive Semantic Memory Training: A Comparison to Traditional Episodic Memory Therapy in TBI
Position: Associate Professor, CSUS Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Justin Caouette - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Social/Emotional Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation and Depression Risk in Adolescent Girls
Position:  Research Scientist, Social Development Research Group

Ryan Barry - Spring 2016
Interests: Biological, Cognitive
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Selective Word Learning in Toddlers: An Eye Tracking Investigation of the Mechanism
Position: Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Florida

Kelly B. Bacher - Summer 2015
Interests: Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Prevention Research, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: The Development of Health Risk Behaviors by Mexican-American Youth
Position: Education Research & Evaluation Consultant, California Department of Education

Andrew Bower - Summer 2015
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Social-Emotional, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Infancy/Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Are Behavioral Strategies for Obtaining Peer Status Honest Signals of Reproductive Quality?
Position: Lecturer, UC Davis Department of Human Ecology

Stephanie Sansone - Summer 2015
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Health & Mental Health, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: The FMR1 Gene and Differential Susceptibility to HPA-axis & Immune Dysfunction: Examination of a Gene-Environment Interaction with Stress
Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Davis MIND Institute

Rachel Jochem - Winter 2015
Interests: Social-Emotional, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: Title TBA
Position: Associate Professor, Southern Oregon University

Maciel M. Hernández - Spring 2014
Interests: Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Prevention Research
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: The positive development of Mexican American youth: Parenting and school contributors to well-being
Position: Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis

April Sanders Masarik - Spring 2014
Interests: Family, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Research Methodology, Biological, Prevention Research
Life Phases Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Economic Pressure and Romantic Relationship Functioning Within and Across Generations
Position: Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Science, Boise State University

Katherine S. Davlantis - Fall 2013
Interests: Social-Emotional, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Learning Opportunities Provided by Parents to Young Children with ASD: Developing and Testing a Measurement System 
Position: Associate in Research at Duke University Medical Center

Dianne Thompson - Summer 2013
Interests: Parent-Child Interactions, Mental Health, Child Abuse and Neglect, Early Prevention and Applied Intervention Research, Social-Emotional
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Adherence to Children’s Mental Health Treatment: Evaluations of Parental Motivation, Engagement and Relationship Quality
Position: Director, Center for Excellence in Child Development; Director, Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education – Human Services

David Benjamin - Summer 2013
Interests: Biological, Cognitive, Social-Emotional, Family, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Eye Tracking and Word Learning Processes in Typical and Atypical Development
Position: ABCD Project Operations Manager, UCSD Center for Human Development

Karinna Hurley - Spring 2013
Interest: Cognitive
Life Phases: Infancy
Dissertation: Pet Experience and Infants’ Visual Attention to Animal Faces
Position: Lecturer, UC Davis Human Ecology
Research Links: Link 1, Link 2

Abby Winer Schachner - Spring 2013
Interest: Social-Emotional, Family, Government/Social Policy
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Are Prosocial Children Also Compliant Children? Individual Differences in and Maternal Influences on Early Sociomoral Development
Position: Senior Researcher, Learning Policy Institute

Paula Reynolds - Winter 2013
Interest: Cognitive, Social-Emotional, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood 
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Central California Children’s Center for Health and Human Services at California State University, Fresno

Jon G. Caldwell - Winter 2013
Interest: Biological, Cognitive, Social-Emotional, Health & Mental Health, Prevention Research
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Adulthood
Dissertation: The Far-Reaching Effects of Child Maltreatment: A Conceptual Model and Series of Studies from an Attachment Theory Perspective
Position: Psychiatrist and Principal Researcher, The Meadows Treatment Center

Kyle Rutledge - Fall 2012
Interest: Biological, Cognitive, Health & Mental Health, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Middle childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Review and Comparative Effectiveness of Parent Training and Working Memory Training in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, ADHD Lab, MIND Institute

Ed Wu - Summer 2012
Interest: Family, Social-Emotional, School, Culture
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Parental Hostility and Youth Outcomes in European American and African American Families
Position: Assistant Professor, Dixie State University

Aleksandra Palchuk - Spring 2012
Interests: Cognitive, Developmental
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: An Investigation of Brand Awareness and Associative Learning in Young Children Using the Eye-Tracking Paradigm
Position: Manager, Client Loyalty and Consumer Insight Research – Charles Schwab

Kimberly Pasene - Spring 2012
Interest: Parenting, Outreach, Family, Social-Emotional
Life Phases: Infancy, Early Childhood
Dissertation: Exploring Predictors of and the Influences of Parenting Stress on Family Functioning 
Position: Professor, Early Childhood Education, Sinclair College

Ben Reeb - Spring 2012
Interest: Family, Social-Emotional, Health & Mental Health, Government/Social Policy, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Intergenerational Psychopathology and Social Disparities in Mental Health and Treatment-Seeking
Position: Research Program Specialist, California Department of Social Services, Outcomes and Accountability Bureau

Nicole Hollis - Spring 2012
Interest: Cognitive, Family, Social-Emotional, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Dissertation: Categorization of Maltreatment Type and Prediction of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Progress
Position: Lecturer, Department of Human Ecology, UC Davis

Holly Hatton - Spring 2012
Interests: Cognitive, Social/Emotional, Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Health & Mental Health, Prevention Research
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood
Dissertation: Addressing Empirical Discrepancies in the Transition to Parenthood Literature
Position: Academic Administrator and Senior Researcher, Center for Human Services, University of California, Davis

Rashelle Musci - Fall 2011
Interest: Biological, Health & Mental Health, Prevention Research, Research Methodology
Life Phases: Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood
Dissertation: Exploring Associations of the Diathetic Variability in Internalizing and Externalizing Developmental Phenotypes with Genotypic Risk.
Position: Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 

Sara Waters - Fall 2011
Interest: Social-Emotional, Family
Life Phases: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood
Research Profile: Children's understanding of emotion and emotion regulation; early relationship influences on emotional development.
Dissertation: Children's Emotion Regulation Understanding: Development, Social Context, and Maternal Influences.
Position: Associate Professor, Washington State University, Vancouver

Janet Fulton - MPA, RNC-OB - Summer 2011
Interest: Social Emotional, Family, Health & Mental Health
Life Phases: Infancy 
Research Profile: Social-Emotional Development of Infants, Maternal-Child Health, Childbirth Experiences, Social Support, and Maternal-Infant Attunement in High-Risk Populations 
Dissertation: Doula Supported Childbirth: An Exploration of Maternal Sensitivity, Self-Efficacy, Reponsivity and Parental Attunement
Position: Perinatal Safety Manager, Catholic Healthcare West

Michelle Dang - Summer 2011
Interest: Social-Emotional, Family, School, Culture/Neighborhood/Society, Health & Mental Health, Government/Social Policy
Life Phases: Infant, Middle Childhood, Adolescence/Emerging Adulthood
Research Profile: Research Interests: Adolescent risks and resilience; developmental disabilities 
Dissertation: Exploring social connectedness and the role of natural mentors among homeless and runaway youth.
Position: Professor, Sacramento State School of Nursing, Sacramento

Dawnte Early - Spring 2011
M. S Thesis: Interparental Relationship Quality and Child Maladjustment in African-American Families
Dissertation: Contextualizing Marital Relationships in Minority Populations
Position: President & CEO, United Way California Capital Region

Leticia Carrillo - Spring 2011 
Dissertation: The Physical Activity and Nutrition Behaviors of Adolescents of Mexican Origin

Zoe Taylor - Winter 2011
M. S Thesis: Life Stressors, Maternal Optimism, and Adolescent Competence in Mother-Headed, African-American Families
Dissertation: Dissertation: Risk and Reslience Processes in Mexican-Origin Families
Position: Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University
Research Links: Link 1, Link 2

Stephanie Sitnick - Summer 2010
M. S Thesis: The Validity of Actigraphy when Compared to Videosomnography in Preschool Populations
Dissertation: Exploring the Effects of Parental Illness on Parenting
Position: Assistant Vice President for Academic Support Services, Caldwell University

Jessica Selvin - Summer 2010
M. S Thesis: Relationship of Siblings and Subtypes of Delinquent Behavior: A Study Using Multinomial Logistic Regression
Dissertation: Longitudinal Patterns of Offending: Opportunities and Constraints

Teri Tanaka - Spring 2010
M. S Thesis: Best Friendship Quality and Best Friend Characteristics as Moderators of Peer Victimization and Psychological Adjustment in Middle School
Dissertation: Peer Relationships, School Context, and Ninth Grader Academic Adjustment
Position: Lecturer, Department of Human and Community Development, UC Davis

Susannah Cohen - Winter 2010
M. S Thesis: Clinical
Dissertation: Identifying Distinct Physiologic Patterns of Arousal across Groups of Adolescent Boys with ASD and/or FXS
Position: Research Scientist, California Department of Public Health

Lisa Rapalyea - Fall 2009
Dissertation: Does Sports Involvement Influence Character? Profiling Character Traits for Different Sports
Position: Researcher, Lecturer for the Department of Human and Community Development at UC Davis

Wendy Little - Fall 2009
M. S Thesis: Informal Science Learning: Gender Differences in Approach & Attitude 
Dissertation: Educational, Individual, and Familial Influences on Accepting Responsibility and Parental Control during the Transition to Adulthood
Position: Director of Intersession, Design Tech High School

Elita Virmani - Summer 2009
M. S Thesis: Supervision and Training in Child Care Settings: A Comparative Study of Reflective and Traditional Methods and their Effect on Caregiver Insightfulness
Dissertation: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: A Systematic Approach to Improving Teacher Sensitivity through Ongoing Professional Development
Position: Associate Professor, Sonoma State University

Yoko Tsubota - Spring 2009
M. S Thesis: From Using a Picture to Using a Map: Young Children’s Learning in Using Simple Maps
Dissertation: The Emergence, Learning and Development of Spatio-Symbolic Skills: Perspectives from Analogical Reasoning
Position: Manager & Child Development Specialist, Osaka, Japan

Shannon Dogan - Winter 2009
M. S Thesis: Cognitive and Parenting Pathways in the Intergenerational Transmission of Antisocial Behavior
Dissertation: Codeveloping Trajectories of Antisocial Behavior, Alcohol Use, Depression, and Anxiety During Adolescence
Position: YFC Associate Director, 4H Program & Policy Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UC Davis

Costanza Colombi - Fall 2008
Dissertation: Mirror Neuron System Activation in Autism in Response to Transitive and Intransitive Actions
Position: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry

Daria Boeninger - Fall 2008
Dissertation: Adolescent Suicidal Ideation, Plans, and Attempts: Developmental Trends and Family Context
Position: Researcher, Prevention Research Center, Arizona State University

Tamu Nolfo Green - Spring 2008
Dissertation: An Exploration of Healthy Adjustment in Biracial Young Adults
Position: Chief Executive Officer, Equity and Wellness Institute

Kelly Heung - Winter 2008

M. S Thesis: Is Double-Tutoring More Effective than Single-Tutoring in Decreasing Self-Stimulatory Behaviors?
Position: Program Manager, LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities) Program, UC Davis MIND Institute

Michael Lawler - Fall 2007
Dissertation: Maltreated Children's Relationships and Emotional Availability with Kin versus Non-kin Foster Mothers: A Sociobioligical Perspective
Position: President, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences

Ryan Honomichl - Summer 2007
M. S Thesis: Parental Report of Sleep Problems in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Dissertation: Relations as Rules: An Examination of Attentional Inertia in the DCCS Task
Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology , Hiram College, Ohio

Run Jin - Summer 2007
Dissertation: Interactive Effects of Puberty, Temperament, and Peer Context on Development of Adolescents' Psychosocial Adjustment Problems: A Longitudinal Study on African American Adolescents
Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CSU Stanislaus

Mattie Gabston Jette - Summer 2007
Dissertation: The Impact of Ethnicity, Age and Cue Word Type on Autobiographical Memories of African American and European American Adults
Position: Research Data Specialist II, CA State Department of Motor Vehicles

Ray Shiraishi - Spring 2007
Dissertation: Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Young Adulthood to Midlife

Shannon Lipscomb - Spring 2007
Dissertation: School Readiness: A Multifaceted, Developmental Approach
Position: Associate Professor and Program Lead, Oregon State University, Human Development and Family Science

Aarti Subramaniam - Winter 2007
Dissertation: The Relevance of Community Based Organizations for Youth in Rural Context
Position: Assistant Project Scientist, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources

Linda Kelly - Fall 2006
Dissertation: Relationships among Proactive Coping, Situation-Specific Stress and Coping, and Stress-Related Growth

Dannelle Larsen-Rife - Fall 2006
Dissertation: Clinical Evaluation of Three Models of Change in Romantic Relationships
Position: Infant Family Mental Health Specialist/Developmental Psychologist, Associate Professor of Psychology at Dixie State College, and Director of Research and Evaluation for Healthy Relationships California

Harin Sutabutra - Fall 2006
Dissertation: Promoting Youth Civic Engagement in Thailand: Influences of Family and School Contexts, Media Exposure and Thai Cultural Values

Nicole Polen - Summer 2006
Dissertation: The Unspoken lives of Bisexual Women: An Exploration of Sexual Identity Development
Position: Lecturer, UC Davis Human Ecology

Misaki Natsuaki - Summer 2006
Dissertation: Continuity and Change in the Developmental Trajectory of Criminal Continuity and Change in the First Arrest and High School Graduation
Position: Professor, UC Riverside, Vice-Chair Department of Psychology

Kimberly Carter - Winter 2006
Dissertation: Longitudinal Assessment of Discriminability and Response Bias in Alzheimer's Disease
Position: Lecturer, CSUS Department of Psychology

Patricia Jennings - 2004
Position: Professor, University of Virginia, School of Education and Human Development
Links: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4

Claire Vallotton - 2004
Dissertation: Effects of Symbolic Gestures as a Care giving Tool: Children's Social and Language Development and Mothers' Perceptions and Behavior
Position: Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Michigan State University

Loriena Yancura - 2004
Position: Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Su Yeong Kim - 2003

Position: Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, Center for Women's and Gender Studies

Kristen Alexander - 2002
Position: Professor, California State University, Sacramento, College of Education