Position Title
Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Research Interests
Dr. Goodman's research falls into two major areas: memory development and children's abilities and experiences as victim/witnesses. In the memory development area, her work explores theoretical issues concerning the relation between trauma and memory, attachment and memory, and semantic associates and memory, as well as the relation between emotion and memory. In the victim/witness area, her research focuses on children's ability to provide testimony about events they have experienced or witnessed, especially events related to child abuse, and on the psychological effects of testifying in court. She is also currently studying the effects of child abuse on emotional adjustment / psychopathology.
Selected Accomplishments
Children’s Eyewitness Memory and Suggestibility: The Role of Familiarity
National Science Foundation
G. S. Goodman, Principal Investigator
San Diego County and New Alternatives Inc.
G. S. Goodman, Principal Investigator
RAPID: Trust and Legal Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
National Science Foundation
G. S. Goodman, Principal Investigator
Selected Publications
Goodman, G. S., Goldfarb. D., Yang, Y., Wu, Y., Kramer, M. Vidales, D., Fisher, R., & Eisen, M.L. (2023, March). Adults’ memory for traumatic childhood experiences. In E. Simpson & J. A. Quas (Chairs). Improving eyewitness reporting. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Wu, Y., Goodman, G. S., Brown, L., Hartman, D., Wang, Y., Vidales, D., & Grandchamp, J. (2023, March). Familiarity and harsh parenting predict children’s eyewitness memory accuracy. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting.
Larson, R. P., Wang, Y., Moriarty, N., Goldfarb, D., Eisen, M. L. & Goodman, G. S. (2023, March). Recognizing faces 20 years later: Predictors of identification errors in adults with child maltreatment histories. In Y. Wu & G. S. Goodman (chairs). What adults can tell us about their childhood traumas American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Wu, Y., Goodman, G. S., Goldfarb, D., Wang, Y., & Eisen, M. L. (2023, March). Familiarity and child maltreatment severity predict adults’ long-term memory for childhood maltreatment investigations. In Y. Wu & G. S. Goodman (chairs). What adults can tell us about their childhood traumas American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Goldfarb, D, Goodman, G. S., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., Kramer, M., Vidales, D., & Eisen, M. L. (2023, March). Memory for child sexual abuse. In Y. Wu & G. S. Goodman (chairs). What adults can tell us about their childhood traumas. American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Wu, Y. & Goodman, G. S. (chairs). What adults can tell us about their childhood traumas: Accuracies and inaccuracies. American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Hartman, D. T., Wang, Y., Goldfarb, D., Wu, Y., Vidales, D., Eisen, M. L., & Goodman, G. S. (2022, August). Child sexual abuse: Comparing disclosures and substantiations. American Psychological Association Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Enriquez, R., Johnson, J., Mundy, P., & Goodman, G. S. (2022, May). When recalling a stressful event, youth with autism receive lower credibility ratings than neurotypical youth. Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Hartman, D. T., Goodman, G. S., Moriarty, N., Grandchamp, J., & Kramer, M. (2022, March). Trust in pandemic-related information and vaccine attitudes. American Psychology-Law Society Convention, Denver, CO.
Wu, Y., Goldfarb, D., Wang, Y., Vidales, D., Brown, L., Eisen, M. L., & Goodman, G. S. (2021, April). Poster Award for Memory accuracy and subjective forgetting in adults who experienced child maltreatment. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting. Interdisciplinary Research and
Hartman, D. T., Grandchamp, J., Vidales, D., Shaver, P.R., Lawler, M. J., & Goodman, G. S. (2021, April). A special program for foster youth: Predictors of long-term outcomes. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting.
Hartman, D. T., Goodman, G. S., Grandchamp, J., Vidales, D., Lawler, M. J., & Shaver, P. R. (2020, Dec). Promoting academic achievement in foster youth: An evaluation of a special residential education program. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, UC Davis.
Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Vidales, D., Brown, L., Eisen, M. L., & Goodman, G. S. (2020, May). Memory accuracy and subjective forgetting in adults who experienced child maltreatment. Society for Research in Child Development Meeting.