Aubrey Golden
  • Major Professor: Dr. Daniel E. Choe

I attended American River community college in Sacramento before graduating from University of California, Davis in 2022 with a B.A. in Psychology and Cognitive Science and minor in Education. My research interests are primarily how early adverse experiences shape cognitive development and later cognitive functioning. To examine intergenerational patterns of early life experiences, I worked as a research assistant in the Cognition in Context Lab at UC Davis to conduct a Senior Honors thesis. I am thrilled to continue this work with the Human Development Graduate Group and Dr. Daniel Choe. 

Outside of research, I enjoy keeping my plants alive, reading novels, and finding new crafts to try.

Fellowships & Awards

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2024-2027) 

Provost’s First Year Fellowships in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2022-2023)


Choe, D. E., Olwert, M. R., & Golden, A. B. (2023). Cognitive and psychophysiological predictors of inductive and physical discipline among parents of preschool-aged children. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.

Conference Presentations

Golden, A.B., Olwert, M.R., & Choe, D.E. (2024). Preschoolers’ effortful control moderates the effects of parenting stress on parasympathetic activity [poster] Association for Psychological Science's 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. 

Golden, A. B., Olwert, M.R., & Choe, D.E. (2023). Child respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a mechanism between parenting stress and child effortful control: Does context matter? [poster] 24th Occasional Temperament Conference, Montréal, Canada.