Position Title
Associate Professor, School of Education
Nicole Sparapani, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, is an assistant professor within the School of Education and the MIND Institute. Dr. Sparapani’s background in speech-language pathology, developmental psychology, and education has informed her research agenda, which focuses on the dynamic and transactional interplay between children and their classroom environment. The overarching goal of her research agenda is to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of learners with complex learning needs and autism spectrum disorder (hereafter referred to as autism). Her work contributes to a limited literature base as well as provides insight into best instructional practices for students with complex learning needs. Dr. Sparapani has been involved in the development of three IES-funded classroom observation systems (R324A100174, R305A160399, R305N160013) designed to measure and monitor teacher and student behaviors that relate to developmental and academic outcomes. She is currently a co-investigator on a federally funded project examining language and literacy development in young adults with Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic syndrome with phenotypic features similar to autism. Dr. Sparapani has extensive expertise in the areas of observational research methods, student active engagement, teacher instructional moves, and the development and implementation of individualized educational programs for students with autism.
Research Interests
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Observational Methods, Educational Research, Classroom Active Engagement, Social Communication, Learning and Development, Teacher Language, Effective Instructional Practices
Professional Affiliations
2019-Present. Faculty, Center for Excellence for Developmental Disability (CEDD), UC Davis MIND Institute
2018-Present. Lecturer, Autism Research Training Program (ARTP), UC Davis MIND Institute
2017-Present. Early Career Faculty Member, Early Career Enhancement Program, Early Learning Network (ELN)
2016-Present. Member, Society for Research in Child Development
2010-Present. Member, International Society for Autism Research
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Postdoctoral Research Scholar: Developmental Psychology
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Doctor of Philosophy: Communication Science and Disorders
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Master of Arts: Speech-Language Pathology
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2003
Certificate of Clinical Competence, 2005
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Bachelor of Arts: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Professional Experience
2016-Present. Assistant Professor. School of Education and the MIND Institute, University of California, Davis
2015-2016. Educational Consultant. Learning Ovations, Inc.
2013-2016. Postdoctoral Research Scholar and Project Coordinator. Arizona State University
2012-2013. Curriculum Development Consultant. Autism Spectrum Specialized Education and Training (ASSET) Project. Communication Science and Disorders, Florida State University
2009-2013. Graduate Research Assistant and Content Coordinator. Florida State University
2009-2012. Early Interventionist. Florida State University Autism Institute
2003-2009. Speech-Language Pathologist. Cherry Creek Schools, CO
Sparapani, N (PI). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Exploration ($1,699,998) Examining How Teacher-Student Interactions within Mathematics and Literacy Instructional Contexts Relate to the Developmental and Academic Outcomes of Early Elementary Students with Autism; Grant #R324A210288 Grant Duration: 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2025. IES Exploratory Project: https://ies.ed.gov/ncser/projects/21awards.asp.
Funded Research
University of California, Davis Hellman Fellowship Award. Evaluation of Interactions between Early Elementary Students with Autism and their Teachers during Literacy and Mathematics Classroom Observations. Grant Duration: 7/1/2020 – 6/30/2021
National Institutes of Health, HD024356. Language Development in Fragile X Syndrome. P.I. Len Abbeduto. Role: Co-Investigator. Grant Duration: 7/1/2018 – 6/31/2023
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NCT03380078. Translating Evidence-based Interventions for ASD: Multi-Level Implementation Strategy (TEAMS). P.I. Aubyn Stahmer. Role: TEAMS – Leadership Institute Module Coach. Grant Duration: 10/20/2017 – 8/31/2021
Institute of Education Sciences, R305N160013. Optimizing Learning Opportunities for Students, Early Learning Observation System. P.I. Carol M. Connor. Role: Consultant. Grant Duration: 6/1/2016 – 5/31/2021
Health Resources and Services Administration, UA3MC11055. Autism Intervention Research Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B III Network). P.I. Aubyn Stahmer. Role: Senior Leader, Transition Protocol. Grant Duration: 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2020
Mental Health Services Act and the Department of Developmental Services. Evaluating the Social-Sexual Education Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Contract with the North Bay Regional Center. Grant Duration 2/1/2020 – 6/30/2020
Manuscripts and Publications
Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V., Hooker, J., Morgan, L., Schatschneider, C. Wetherby, A.M. (2021). Evaluating teacher language within general and special education classrooms serving elementary students with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05115-4
Pedrift, K. & Sparapani, N. (under review). The development of a social-sexual education project for adults with intellectual disabilities: Starting the discussion. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (Revised & Resubmitted February 2021).
Nuske, H., Shih, W., Sparapani, N.,…. Mandell, D., Kasari, K. (under review). Emotion regulation skills predict friendship quality in children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Revised & Resubmitted January 2021).
Connor, C.M., May, H., Sparapani, N.,…Day, S. (under review). Scaling up assessment-to-instruction (A2i) technology to support individualized student instruction with monolingual and dual language learners: Feasibility and promise of efficacy. Journal of Educational Psychology (Revised & Resubmitted December 2020).
Sparapani, N., Solari, E., Towers, L., McIntyre, N., Henry, A., Zajic, M., (2020). Secondary analysis of interactions between students with autism and their interventionists within a scripted reading curriculum. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
McLean, L., Sparapani, N., Day, S., Connor, C.M., (2020). Students’ problem behaviors and teachers’ warmth, responsiveness, and classroom control as predictors of students’ classroom instructional experiences in first grade. Contemporary Education Psychology.
Connor, C.M., Kelcey, B., Sparapani, N., Petscher, Y., Siegal, S.W., Adams, A., Hwang, J.K., Carlisle, J.F. (2019). Predicting second and third graders’ reading comprehension gains from analysis of teacher and student talk during reading lessons. Scientific Studies of Reading
Sparapani, N., Connor, C.M., Day, S., Wood, T., Ingebrand, S., Mclean, L., Phillips, B. (2019). Profiles of foundational learning skills among first graders. Learning and Individual Differences. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2016.07.008
Sparapani, N. Carlisle, J., Connor, C.M. (2018). Observations of vocabulary activities during second- and third-grade reading lessons. Education Sciences, 8, 198; doi: 10.3390/educsci8040198
Morgan, L., Hooker, J., Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V.P., Schatschneider, C., & Wetherby, A.M. (2018). Cluster randomized trial of the classroom SCERTS intervention for elementary students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ccp0000314
Sparapani, N., Connor, C.M. McLean, L., Wood, T., Toste, J., Day, S. (2018). Direct and reciprocal effects among social skills, vocabulary, and reading comprehension in first grade. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, 159–167. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.03.003
McLean, L, Sparapani, N., Toste, J.R., Day, S., Connor, C.M. (2016). Classroom quality in first grade settings predicts students’ time spent in non-instructional activities and subsequent literacy achievement. Journal of School Psychology, 56, 45–58. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2016.03.004
Connor, C.M., Day, S., Phillips, B., Sparapani, N, Ingebrand S., McLean, L., Barrus, A., Kaschak, M. (2016). Reciprocal effects of reading, vocabulary, and executive functioning in early elementary school. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12570
Sparapani, N, Morgan, L., Reinhardt, V.., Schatschneider, C., Wetherby, A.M. (2016). Evaluation of active engagement in elementary students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1–15. 10.1007/s10803-015-2615-2
Connor, C.M., Ingebrand, S., Sparapani, N. (2015). What does effective teaching really look like? In: Taylor & Francis. Evaluating Literacy Instruction, 151–175. Routledge., New York, NY.
Research Presentations
Hochheimer, S., Castellon, F.,…Sparapani, N., Stahmer, A., Vejnoska, S., & Kasari., C. (May 2020). Timing of Placement and Transition Practices in Primary and Secondary School Transitions of Children with ASD. Poster presented uploaded to the International Society for Autism Research Annual Conference, Virtual
Towers, L. E., Sparapani, N. & Tseng, N. (2020, Apr 17 – 21) Coder Characteristics and Observational Coding of Emotion Regulation in Students With Autism [Symposium]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/umea8l5 (Conference Canceled)
Butler, D. & Sparapani, N. (March 2020). Investigating Whether Implementation of MTSS and UDL Frameworks Correlate to Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Confidence in Teaching Students with Autism in Mainstream Classrooms. Paper uploaded to and published by the California Council on Teacher Education SPAN, Virtual.
Vega Garcia, J., Fann H., Towers, L., & Sparapani, N.(January 2020). Examining Teachers’ Responsiveness with Preschool-3rd Grade Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder during Classroom Activities. Poster presented at the University of California Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Birkeneder, S.L., Mundy, P.C., Sparapani, N. (January 2020). Joint Attention in School-Aged Children with ASD and Frequencies Related to Child Features. Poster presented at the University of California Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Towers, L., Karimi, S., Sparapani, N., (January 2020). Supporting Emotion Regulation in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder across Classroom Contexts. University of California Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Mcllraith, A., Cooper, C., Dodge, K., Farquharson, K.., Hall, J., Hutchins, C., Sparapani, N. Towers, L. (November 2019). Understanding and Overcoming Persistent Barriers to Effective EBP Implementation. Oral presentation presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Towers, L., Sparapani, N., Traser, J., Karimi, S, & Gao, Xu. (November 2019). Observations of Communication Initiations and Teacher Language Supports within Classrooms Serving Students with Autism. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Kasari C., AIRB3 Team (July 2019). Measuring the Impact of AIR-B III Community Collaborations using Social Network Analysis. Autism CARES Meeting, Washington DC
Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V., Traser, J., Stahmer, A., & Mundy, P. (May 2019). Latent Profiles of Classroom Social Interaction and Patterns of Teacher Responsiveness in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Sparapani, N., Tseng, N., Wood, T., Karimi, S., Rodriguez, J., & Singh, K. (May 2019). Classroom Mathematical Learning Opportunities for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Oral presentation presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Nuske, H., Shih, W., Mandell, D., Stahmer, A., Sparapani, N., Atkinson-Diaz, Z., Fischer, E., & Kasari, C. (May 2019). Emotion Regulation Skills Predict Friendship Quality in Children with Autism. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
McLean, L., Sparapani, N., Connor, C.M., Day, D. (March 2019). Student Problem Behaviors and Teacher Warmth, Discipline Predicting Student Classroom Instructional Experiences in First Grade. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development Bi-Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD
Wood, T., Tseng, N., & Sparapani, N. (January 2019). Mathematics Learning Opportunities for Students with Autism: A Classroom Observation Approach. Poster presented at the University of California Center for Research on Special Education, Disabilities, and Developmental Risk Annual Conference, Davis, CA.
Jimenez-Silva, M. & Sparapani, N. (January 2019). Determining Capacity to Prepare Teachers to Meet the Needs of Complex Learners and English Learners within General Education Classrooms. Spoken paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Waikiki, Hawaii.
Sparapani, N., Koziol, N., Mackintosh, B. (October 2018) Measurement Invariance of Foundational Learning Skills in Kindergarten Boys With and Without Autism: A Secondary Data Analysis. Oral presentation presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Special Topic Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
Connor, C.M., Kelcey, B., Sparapani, N., Petscher, Y., Ingebrand, S., Adams, A., Hwang, J., Carlisle, J. (July 2018). Talking in class? Talking predicts students’ reading gains. Spoken paper presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Sparapani, N., Towers, L., Traser, J., Suhrheinrich, J., Rieth, S., Stahmer, A., (2018 May). Analysis of Teacher-Student Interactions within Classroom Activities: Implications for Effective Instructional Practices. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Fitton, L., McIlraith, A., Hooker, J., Sparapani, N., Wood, C., & Adlof, S. (2017, November). Adapting to the modeling revolution: A guide to SEM & HLM. Oral panel presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, California
Sparapani, N., Solari, E., McIntyre, N., Zajic, M., Henry, A. (2017, June). Analysis of instructor-student interactions within a listening comprehension intervention for children with autism: Implications for instructional effectiveness. Poster presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Sparapani, N., Solari, E., McIntyre, N., Zajic, M., Henry, A., Mundy, P. (2017, May). Strategic reading comprehension intervention for children with ASD: Developing an observational tool to identify patterns of active engagement and instructional support. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Connor, C.M., Sparapani, N., Vandell, D., (2017, April). Using Assessment and the OLOS Observation system to inform and promote effective early learning opportunities for young children. Oral panel presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Connor, C., M., Sparapani, N., May, H., Wood, T., Fishman, B., Morrison, F. (2016, July). From research to practice: Supporting teachers’ efforts to individualize literacy instruction using A2i technology. Paper presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal.
Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V., Morgan, L., Schatschneider, C., & Wetherby, A. (2016, May). Latent profiles of classroom active engagement among early elementary students with autism spectrum disorder. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Sparapani, N., Ingebrand, S., Day, S., Wood, T., McLean, L., Connor, C.M. (2015, November). Developmental profiles of early elementary students. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Sparapani, N., Ingebrand, S., Wood, T., Day, S., Connor, C.M. (2015, October). Latent profile growth models of literacy skills in elementary students at-risk or identified with learning disabilities. Poster presented at the Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Sparapani, N., Ingebrand, S., Day, S., Connor, C.M. (2015, July). Latent profiles of school readiness in a sample of first grade students. Poster presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, The Big Island, Hawaii.
McLean, L., Sparapani, N., Toste, J., Connor, C.M. (2015, July). Classroom quality as a predictor of student time in non-instructional activities and literacy achievement in first grade. Poster presented at the Society for Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, The Big Island, Hawaii.
Morgan, L., Reinhardt, V., Sparapani, N., Schatschneider, C., & Wetherby, A. (2015, May). Randomized controlled trial of the classroom SCERTS intervention project for students with ASD. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Sparapani, N., McLean, L., & Connor, C.M. (2014, November). The influence of social skills on vocabulary and reading outcomes in elementary students. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Sparapani, N., Morgan, L., Reinhardt, V., & Wetherby, A.M. (2014, July). Instructor language and student active engagement in elementary students with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
Carlisle; J., Connor, C.M., Kelcey, B., Petscher, Y., Sparapani, N., Ingebrand, S. (2014, July). Development of an observation system: creating opportunities to learn from text. Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM
Morgan, L., Sparapani, N., & Wetherby, A.M. (2013, February). Classroom active engagement for students with autism spectrum disorder: The classroom SCERTS intervention project. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research Annual Conference, San Sebastian, Spain.
Wetherby, A.M., Woods, J., Brown, J., & Sparapani, N. (2012, November). Effects of the early social interaction project for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Morgan, L., Sparapani, N., & Wetherby, A.M. (2012, November). The CSI project: classroom SCERTS intervention for students with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Morgan, L., Sparapani, N., Ramos, J., & Wetherby, A.M. (2012, June). A confirmatory factor analysis of the classroom SCERTS intervention measure of transactional support for students with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovative Research in Autism, France.
Sparapani, N., Morgan, L., & Wetherby, A.M. (2012, May). Evaluation of classroom performance in students with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Canada.
Sparapani, N., Morgan, L., Bartley, J., Reinhardt, V., & Wetherby, A.M. (2011, May). Evaluation of active engagement in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.